Our team has developed an innovative startup CRM Helper aimed at business automation in the beauty industry.
The client's idea was to minimize the operational burden on beauty salons and private masters, who spend a lot of effort every day on online customer registration, inventory management, employee schedule management and other routine tasks.
Therefore, the client asked us to develop a convenient, flexible and scalable CRM system that will be effective for all companies in this field.
Goals and tasks of our team
- Conduct an analysis of the beauty industry, identify problems and needs faced by the business.
- Design competent and convenient UI/UX.
- To develop a functional and convenient CRM that will effectively solve the tasks of companies in this area.
- Provide the possibility of customizing CRM according to the needs of each company.
- Create a CRM HELPER site aimed at attracting customers and solving marketing tasks.

Development process
HELPER is a SaaS project that should take into account the needs of hundreds of individual companies and provide them with effective tools for managing work processes. At the same time, CRM must remain comfortable and intuitive for users, otherwise it will simply not survive the competition.
Understanding the tasks before us, we selected the optimal team of specialists, divided the development process into six stages and undertook the technical implementation of the client's idea. We will tell you how exactly the development took place.
Study of the market and customer requirements
First of all, we delved into the context: we studied the customer's business strategy and its requirements, conducted an analysis of the needs of the beauty segment and familiarized ourselves with the offers of the closest competitors. This helped us form a clear CRM HELPER strategy.
Prototype became one of the most important stages, during which we defined the architecture, structure, UX and functionality of the CRM.
In order to make the system equally useful for different companies, the possibility of flexible configuration of modules was provided. Each salon can easily customize CRM HELPER for its individual needs, and even disable functions it does not need in order not to overload the interface. The finished prototype was presented to the client, the nuances were agreed upon, and after approval, technical documentation was drawn up.
Development of individual design
We decided not to avoid familiar behavioral patterns so that the system remains intuitive, but we implemented a number of important changes: shortened user paths, placed clear color accents and minimized the use of graphics. Thanks to this, the interface has become clean, easy and as informative as possible.

Technical development
It is important for the client that the CRM is easy, accessible and able to withstand high loads. We solved the first two tasks with the help of design, and to ensure the performance of the system, we selected the optimal stack of technologies: the server part was built on the Django framework, the API on DRF, and the client part on the Vue.js library.
QA testing
CRM HELPER is equipped with versatile functionality, so we paid special attention to testing: we engaged a team of QA engineers, used different scenarios, approaches and methodology. Thanks to this, we were able to eliminate all problems in the operation of the system even before release and ensured its stability.

How CRM HELPER works
Our team has developed a flexible and customizable CRM that has all the necessary functionality to automate the work of companies in the field of beauty and health. Let's consider the main modules of the system.
- Maintaining a customer base . Information about the company's customers is stored in a single database, which can be structured by branch. An individual card is created for each client, which includes his personal information, history of visits and reviews.
- HR . The salon administrator has the ability to set personal work schedules for each master, determine the list of services provided to them, set their duration and cost.
- Online registration . The online registration form works completely autonomously and can be placed on the company's website or in social networks. During the filling process, the client can choose the desired master, view his work schedule, busy schedule and choose a convenient visit time. Applications are processed instantly and automatically, the master and the client receive relevant SMS or Viber messages, and the time is booked in the employee's schedule.
- Warehouse management . The system fully automates the accounting of products in warehouses, which reduces the operational burden on personnel and allows more time to be devoted to customers.
- Accounting . The interface provides management of financial reporting of salon branches and allows control of all expenses. In addition, a module for accounting of salary payments has been implemented.
- Salary accrual . The administrator can set a daily rate for each master, choose a percentage or a fixed amount for the service provided. After specifying the data, the system automatically calculates wages based on the specialist's download.
- Management of loyalty programs . Using the capabilities of CRM, salons can launch flexible and customizable loyalty programs, issue discount cards and conduct other marketing activities, which allows to significantly increase attendance.
- Notification system . The system of automatic messages helps the business to interact more effectively with the audience. For example, with its help, you can send a reminder to the client about an upcoming visit, inform about a promotion or inform about the accrual of bonuses.
Features of the admin panel
The owner of the CRM HELPER startup has his own admin panel with superuser rights, which is designed to manage business processes in the company. Its main capabilities:
- Overview of licenses.
- View customer data — contact information, billing plan, and transaction history.
- Management of tariff plans.
- Customer service: changing the license expiration date, blocking access.
- View statistics and analytics.
- Monitors financial results.
- Superuser message system. For example, you can set up receiving notifications about new registrations or when users' subscriptions expire.
- Setting up branches for customers.
- Management of technical support links.
Our team successfully implemented the innovative startup CRM HELPER. The product is already available on the Ukrainian market and is rapidly gaining momentum, and we continue to work on expanding its functionality.
In the near future, we also plan to deploy the HELPER mobile application, which will make the use of CRM even more accessible and convenient for business - this project is in the final stages of development.