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Comexcel is a provider of business communications functionality with localization in the US. It provides companies with modern solutions for communication with customers, access to convenient business calls, text cards and voice mail, with the ability to connect from anywhere in the world. In fact, Comexcel is an online office that is indispensable for most companies, regardless of their field of activity.

What challenges faced the team

The client came to us with an already ready and successful application, as well as ideas for improving the quality of communication and user experience. Therefore, as part of the work on the project, we had to correct the existing problems in the software and introduce new features that would make Comexcel even more successful on the market. The solution of these tasks was handled by an individually formed team of three specialists.

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What we improved

To achieve the customer's goals, we analyzed the software, identified problems, and then developed updates for applications on the IOS and Android operating systems. The Flutter framework, on which Comexcel is written, was used as the main technology. Let's talk in more detail about what was done:

  • The connection with the Bluetooth headset has been improved . Many Comexcel users prefer to use a Bluetooth headset for voice dialogues. Our experts have implemented significant improvements in the software and improved the quality of the connection to make every voice call flawless.
  • Fixed call drop issues. Interrupting calls in the application is unacceptable both when communicating with clients and during business negotiations. We conducted a deep diagnosis of the program, identified the causes of errors and successfully eliminated them at the program level.
  • Made changes to the UI. Our experts analyzed Comexcel's user interface and made several significant changes to it, which made the application more convenient and comfortable to use.
  • Fixed issues when sending media. Identified and fixed technical issues that led to errors when loading multimedia files within the program: photos, videos, and audio messages.
  • Improved VoIP communication. We optimized the functionality of applications on IOS and Android, related to the provision of incoming and outgoing voice calls, which led to a noticeable improvement in the quality of communication, even in conditions of poor network coverage.
  • QA testing . New modules were tested, as well as their interaction with the rest of the functionality of the Comexcel program, which made it possible to prevent the occurrence of unforeseen problems and errors.
  • Deployment. Prepared packages with updates and uploaded them to the AppStore and Play Market application markets.
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Specialists of our team conducted a thorough analysis and diagnosis of Comexcel, identified problems in the operation of the software and effectively eliminated them. Thanks to the latest update, the quality of communication, voice calls and other functions of the program have been significantly improved. In addition, the user interface received an upgrade, which made the product more convenient and comfortable for end users.

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