The company FOROSTINA is one of the largest manufacturers of components for roofs and fences in Ukraine. For 20 years of presence on the market, it has developed a significant client base and formed a wide staff of employees, therefore, for effective process management, the company needed a CRM system capable of automating routine tasks. The client came to our team with such a task.
Challenges and solutions
The customer already had experience using CRM — before contacting us, he worked with 1C for a long time. But at a certain point, he realized that the boxed product was limiting the company's growth rather than helping it. Therefore, we had to create a solution that was head ahead of the capabilities of the popular system and ensure a smooth migration of the business to the new software.
The client wanted the new CRM to become the main point of business development and help manage all processes within the company in one place: work with customers, accounting, personnel, warehouses, production and supply of raw materials.
To solve this task, we conducted a thorough study of the FOROSTINA company and its business processes, designed an effective solution, and then turned it into reality using innovative technologies. How exactly we built the development process - we will tell you further.

For the implementation of CRM FOROSTINA, the most popular Spring Java framework was chosen. It consists of individual modules such as Struts, Tapestry, JSF and others. Each module is a specific set of tools united by the common logic of Spring, and they can be connected separately, depending on the current tasks.
In practice, this allowed us not only to solve the current tasks of the client, but also to ensure the scalability of CRM to meet the changing needs of the business.
The frontend was built on static HTML and CSS technologies. This helped to significantly speed up the development process and, at the same time, guaranteed optimal speed and responsiveness of the interface.
How we organized the development process
For the technical implementation of FOROSTINA CRM and the achievement of the client's goals, we involved in the development a team of eight specialists, which included: designers, designers, programmers and QA engineers. The development process itself consisted of 6 main stages:
- Information gathering and research . We studied the client's goals, tasks and requirements, as well as his experience using "boxed" solutions. Coordinated further plans and expectations.
- Prototype development. We created an interactive CRM mockup, which consisted of a mind map, interface warframes and a functional description. Agreed on the vision and development terms with the client, and then created the project's technical documentation.
- Design . A clean and comfortable design was drawn, taking into account the functionality of the system and current UI trends. For convenience, we implemented two color schemes - light and dark.
- Technical development . Implemented the CRM system on the server and client side using the previously selected technology stack.
- QA testing . The finished functionality was thoroughly tested to make sure that all system modules work correctly and as agreed with the client.
- Release . Implemented the deployment of CRM, trained the customer's staff and helped migrate from the old software.

CRM FOROSTINA capabilities
The new CRM of the FOROSTINA company is equipped with many innovative functions and capabilities, thanks to which it automates most routine processes and reduces the burden on employees. Let's consider the main modules of the system.
- Information panel. Here are summarized business statistics, including data on income, expenses, analysis of orders and customer debts for a certain period of time.
- Order . Monitoring and management of all current orders.
- Catalog . User interface with the company's product catalog, where cards of all products are available with the ability to view and, if necessary, edit data.
- Clients . A centralized database of all the company's customers, which provides an opportunity to track the complete history of interaction with each customer.
- Storage . A module for managing product stocks in the company's warehouse.
- Work with finances . An interface for tracking and managing all financial transactions in the FOROSTINA company.
- Personnel management . A tool for effective personnel management with an interactive calendar of working time. In this interface, the manager can monitor information about the performance of employees, analyzing the volume of work performed by them during the reporting period.
- Production statistics . A module for tracking the volume of manufactured products with the possibility of exporting data in xls format.
- Accounts . A section for managing user access rights in the CRM system.
- Settings . In this section, the administrator can make changes to the staffing regulations of the company, edit positions and their titles, as well as manage categories of goods and raw materials.
- Catalog of raw materials . Interface for managing raw materials and their supply.
Our team has developed an effective CRM system for the manufacturer of building materials FOROSTINA according to the individual needs of the business. This helped the client to completely avoid the use of a "boxed" solution, and became a good foundation for the further development of his company.
Today, we continue to work on the development of CRM FOROSTINA, introduce new ideas and optimize the existing functionality, thanks to which the system grows and scales in parallel with the client's business.