Egmont CRM is a progressive solution implemented by Avada Media for the Egmont aviation company, which advantageously combines intelligent design and advanced technologies.
About the client
The activity of our client - the company Egmont aviation, covers several areas at once: distribution and sale of Diamond Aircraft and JMB Aircraft aircraft in Slovenia, as well as professional training of pilots in its own certified aviation school.
To ensure the successful development of the business and taking into account its versatility, the customer had a need to classify the client base, improve analytical processes and automate the processing of leads. And to cover this need, he asked our team to develop a modern and technological CRM system.

Challenges and solutions
During the development of Egmont CRM, our team faced a number of serious challenges, but thanks to the experience and professionalism of specialists, we managed to overcome them and satisfy all the needs of the customer. Let's consider the main tasks and our proposed solutions:
Collection of analytical data
To better understand their audience and analyze the effectiveness of their marketing channels, the client wanted the new CRM system to collect customer data across each lead generation platform. To solve this task, we implemented an internal chat in CRM, integrated with Telegram, Facebook, Instagram, Whatsapp, Sendpulse and the main site of Egmont aviation. We also created a system of internal labels that are assigned to the client, depending on the platform from which he applied. Thus, company managers always know where the customer came from and, if necessary, can sort by label type.
Audience segmentation
Egmont aviation has two main types of customers - aircraft buyers and aviation school students, which are handled by different managers. In order to increase the speed of application processing, minimize the number of errors and optimize work processes within the company, we have added the ability to classify customers.
Ensuring CRM security and performance
It was important for the client that the data stored in the CRM was securely protected, and at the same time the system worked as quickly as possible, without hangs. To solve this task, we selected the optimal technological stack:
- The Django Python framework was used for the server part . It provides many built-in security mechanisms and reliably protects data from CSRF and XSS attacks, SQL injections and other threats. At the same time, thanks to caching tools, asynchrony and efficient management of static files, it ensures high system performance.
- The client part was mainly built on HTML and CSS . In addition , the Vue.js JavaScript framework was used to optimize the work of internal chats, which made it possible to process and deliver messages in real-time without refreshing the page.
Improvement of the existing Egmont aviation website
CRM opened up new opportunities for the customer. However, in order for the entire digital infrastructure of Egmont aviation to work harmoniously as a single mechanism, our team also had to partially refine the functionality of the company's existing website to meet current challenges.

How the development went
The development of Egmont CRM consisted of five stages :
- Research and information gathering. We conducted a thorough analysis of the client's requirements and studied the internal processes of his business.
- Projecting. We worked out the concept of CRM and created an interactive prototype, with an emphasis on technological innovation and functionality.
- Design development. Designed a comfortable CRM interface, taking into account the company's business processes and current design trends.
- Technical implementation. Performed programming of the frontend and backend parts of the product using the selected technology stack and client requirements.
- Testing. Conducted thorough tests, fixed bugs and prepared CRM for commissioning.

Features of Egmont CRM
Behind the easy and intuitive interface of CRM hides a significant set of functionality that covers all internal processes of the Egmont Aviation company and ensures the automation of managers' tasks. Let's consider its main capabilities.
- Analytics. Provides the manager with the opportunity to study detailed statistics of the company's performance for a certain period. It presents data on the number of new customers, the effectiveness of lead generation channels, the distribution of customers by location, and other important information.
- Financial reports . Another analytical module in which company management and accounting can track Egmont aviation's financial results, revenues, expenses and other economic metrics.
- Client base. We paid special attention to optimizing work with clients and implemented an effective filtering system, which significantly simplified the work of the company's managers. Each client card contains as much complete information as possible: personal data, current tasks, history of interactions and a list of documents with the possibility of uploading files directly to the CRM system.
- Task. The module contains planned tasks, with a description and execution schedule. To simplify the work of managers, we have introduced a convenient filtering system and relevant tags that can be set manually to capture important events. Users can create new tasks, assign responsible employees and monitor the progress of their execution.
- Calendar. Here, the manager can visually see the list of planned tasks, their execution dates and description. If necessary, the calendar can be switched between monthly, weekly and daily modes. In order for the manager to effectively perform the control function, it was also possible to view tasks in the calendar of subordinate employees.

- Document management. We implemented a database for storing the company's internal documentation: contracts, invoices and commercial proposals, and also implemented a convenient filtering system. The module also performs the function of payment control. This means that if the money is not received on time in the Egmont aviation account, a corresponding message is automatically sent to the client and the manager assigned to him.
- Email. The mass mailing tool is integrated with the Sendpulse service, designed for effective communication with the customer base. When sending a message, the employee can specify the desired audience, for example, "aircraft buyers" or "aviation school students", choose a design template and write the text of the letter.
- Internal chat. We integrated the chat with social networks, messengers and the company website, thanks to which Egmont aviation employees got the opportunity to conduct dialogues with customers in one place. Messages from various sources instantly enter the CRM with the source of the lead, and managers' responses are sent to the platform where the customer wrote. If the user contacts the company for the first time, the CRM system automatically creates a new card for him in the database with an indication of the priority communication channel.
- Employee base. A module for the HR department, which stores information about all company employees, indicating their positions and contact information.
- Settings The possibility of customization makes Egmont CRM as flexible and easy to use as possible. The module allows you to manage employee roles, specify customer service countries, configure customer types, assign them statuses, and much more.
Thanks to the new CRM, Egmont Aviation successfully automated the accounting and processing of leads, segmented the audience and reduced the operational burden on staff. In addition, our real-time solution provides the client with up-to-date business statistics, which helps him build effective development strategies and stay ahead of competitors.
Today, we continue our cooperation with Egmont Aviation: we study the client's new requests, the wishes of his employees and work on the implementation of additional functions that will make the company's work even more efficient.