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Ritchy is a technology company that produces innovative electronic cigarettes and liquids. The brand's products are represented in 85 countries around the world, and the number of its customers exceeds 200 thousand people.

The main sales channel for Ritchy products is a branded online store. However, with the increase in the number of clients, the customer was faced with the need to automate business processes and optimize the existing website. Therefore, he approached us with a request to develop personal accounts for customers and store dealers, which would help speed up the processing of leads and improve the quality of customer service.

Our team had the following tasks:

  • Study the needs of different groups of Ritchy's target audience.
  • Design the architecture and logic of personal accounts for each target audience, taking into account the client’s business goals.
  • Create an effective and structured product matrix that will simplify the ordering process.
  • Develop designed solutions at the code level and test them before implementing them into business processes.
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How the development went

The technical implementation of the project was carried out in stages and consisted of six main steps:

  • Studying the niche, features and internal processes of the client’s company.
  • Design and prototyping of the architecture of created solutions.
  • Preparation of technical documentation.
  • Development of frontend and backend parts of the project.
  • QA testing and debugging.
  • Integration of solutions with the existing Ritchy online store.

What was done

Our team has developed a functional personal account and differentiated roles for different types of users:

  • Administrators have full access to the capabilities of their personal account and can view information about all clients, the status of their orders, etc.
  • Dealers have limited access, but can also place orders for their customers.
  • End customers can comfortably work only with their orders: apply discounts, view purchase history, track the status of the current order, save items in the cart, etc.

The data displayed in your personal account is synchronized with the customer’s internal systems and is updated automatically. On the one hand, this increases the relevance of information, and on the other, it saves time for company employees who do not need to update manually.

We have also developed a thoughtful product matrix for Ritchy's wide range of products. It is formed based on the parameters and characteristics set by the user, which allows you to quickly meet the needs of each Ritchy target audience and increase the LTV of brand consumers.

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The AVADA MEDIA team designed, developed and implemented an effective product matrix and personal account with different access roles to the Ritchy online store. New solutions help the company automate internal business processes, simplify and speed up its interaction with all target audience groups, which helps the business develop successfully in a competitive market.

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