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St Artlife
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S.T.ART Life


S.T.ART Life is a multi-functional and aesthetic space for creators and those looking for photo specialists to shoot.

The stylish and easy-to-use platform helps content creators easily upload, organize and sell finished works in virtual galleries, find new clients worldwide, and interact with their audience and receive feedback.

What tasks faced our team:

  • Develop the server and client part of the web platform.
  • Implement tools for creator profile setup, domain name management, and public virtual gallery management.
  • Integrate with social networks to provide creators with enhanced opportunities to engage with audiences and track content success.
  • Create an admin panel for effective platform management.
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S.T.ART Life platform stores terabytes of content: photos and videos in high resolution from hundreds of creators around the world. Therefore, the choice of technologies played the most important role in the success of the entire project, because the speed of page loading, system performance and data security on the server depend on them.

After careful analysis and design, we decided to use the reliable Laravel PHP framework on the server, as well as the Vue.js and Nuxt.js libraries on the client side.

How was the development

In the technical implementation of S.T.ART Life platform, we involved a team of 10 specialists, which included: project manager, engineers, designers, programmers and QA. The development process itself consisted of several stages:

Information collection and analysis. They researched the market and competitors, then developed a platform concept based on the received data.

Designing. Built a UX prototype and wrote the project's technical documentation.

Design. An individual UI was drawn, taking into account functionality and modern trends.

Technical development. We implemented the server and client parts of the project, created an administrator panel and personal accounts for different types of users, and also integrated external services. For creators, we have created a functionality that allows you to create your own individual portfolio sites within the S.T.ART Life ecosystem.

Work with adaptability. We took into account that most users prefer to work with a smartphone, so we created a comfortable, adaptive version of the platform, in which the content is displayed with the same quality as on the desktop.

Testing. To test S.T.ART Life, we created and configured a dedicated test environment in which we checked the correctness of the functionality, performance, security and stability of the platform to high loads. After solving problems and obtaining positive results, the project was placed on the server and became available to visitors.

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Features of S.T.ART Life platform

S.T.ART Life is a cool and functional space for creators, their clients, as well as photo and video locations. The innovative capabilities of the platform completely change the perspective on the interaction of specialists in this field. Let's consider the main functions in more detail.

Two types of personal offices

When registering on the platform, the visitor is offered the choice to create a profile of a creator or an ordinary user. In a standard account, the user can view the catalog of photographers and videographers in the general listing according to the specified criteria, study the works of each specialist, compare prices, buy content and contact the creator to order services.

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The personal account of the creator has wider possibilities. In particular, the specialist can:

  • Upload and organize a demonstration of works in a personal gallery.
  • Customize your profile with different themes and color schemes.
  • Specify specialization, language of communication, prices and other parameters.
  • Change subdomain.
  • Limit access to content.

In fact, S.T.ART Life allows each creator to create their own unique Landing page with a personal subdomain for the most effective presentation of their works and services. If necessary, the user can create two types of profile and quickly switch between them with the push of a button.

Selling content

Payment gateways have been integrated so that users can comfortably and safely conduct financial transactions related to the purchase of content and payment of tariff plans on the S.T.ART Life platform.

Integration with social networks

For the convenience and time-saving of creators, they implemented the possibility of importing a portfolio into a virtual gallery from Instagram. It only takes a few clicks.

Administrator panel

We created an individual admin panel with which S.T.ART Life administrators can monitor user actions, receive analytics on the platform's operation in real time, post content and monitor the company's financial results.

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Our team has developed a unique online platform for photographers, videographers and their clients, equipped with innovative functionality and flexible customization options.

S.T.ART Life platform is already available to users and begins to collect the first registrations, and we, for our part, provide its technical support and further development.

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