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QSS web system


We developed an innovative mobile application and a web system for automating processes at the QSS company, which provides comprehensive cargo inspection services on various types of sea vessels.

Challenges and solutions

Every day, QSS employees had to manually fill out a lot of inspection documentation, record the results of sampling and bulk cargoes, the condition of the ship's fasteners and damage. All this took a lot of time from the inspectors and hindered quick customer service.

We studied the needs of the company, conducted a thorough study of business processes and offered the client the optimal solution - to create a digital infrastructure consisting of several interconnected digital products, which will include:

  • Mobile application for employees . Performs the role of a CRM system that allows you to plan inspections, create invoices for clients, keep track of inspectors' working hours, and enter the results of ship and cargo inspections with the possibility of photo fixation.
  • Mobile application for customers . An easy and convenient application with which QSS customers can create ship and cargo inspection requests, receive invoices and official inspection results in PDF format. In fact, this program allows you to solve all issues online, without the need to visit the company's office.
  • Web system . A service aimed at improving the user experience. It combines the capabilities of both mobile applications, but you can use it online, without the need to install third-party software on your smartphone.

After discussing the plans and coordinating expectations with the customer, we started the project development directly.

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Already at the discussion stage, it became clear that the project will be large and structured, so for its implementation we need to choose the optimal stack of technologies capable of coping with the tasks. We chose:

  • PHP-framework Laravel - for the development of the server part.
  • Flutter framework - for cross-platform development of mobile applications.
  • Java is a native programming language for the implementation of a client mobile application.
  • JavaScript framework Vue.js - for implementing the client part of the web application.

How we organized the development process

Software development for the QSS company was carried out using the iterative Scrum methodology and consisted of five main stages:

  • Collection of information . We studied the client's request, conducted research and decided on further plans.
  • Projecting . We thought through the logic of the interface, functionality and created an interactive prototype of the project.
  • Design . For each product, a comfortable and attractive interface was designed, which will be convenient for customers and employees of the company to interact with.
  • Technical development . Using the selected stack, the client server part of the project was implemented at the software level.
  • QA testing . Conducted in-depth testing of all modules of the project, identified and eliminated bugs, and also made sure that the product works as intended.
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The QSS application opens up innovative opportunities for all types of users, and makes their interaction as fast and comfortable as possible. Let's consider the main functionality of the system.

Processing of customer requests . When the client creates an inspection request, the system generates a card with the necessary information. Then it is automatically assigned to a QSS employee.

Conducting an inspection . During the inspection, the specialist fills in the data in the created electronic card: test results, cargo inspections, fastening conditions and other parameters, which minimizes bureaucracy and speeds up processes. Data is stored on a secure server and securely protected.

Ensuring transparency . After arriving at the object, the inspector fixes his geolocation in the application and attaches a photo on the spot. He also performs photo-fixation of inspected goods.

Obtaining results . The program automatically generates a typical PDF file with the results of the inspection, which is an official document and can be sent to the client.

Invoicing . Invoices for the company's services can be generated directly in the application: by filling in parameters manually or by selecting the required services with a fixed cost from the list.

Administration . Users with administrator or manager access rights can manage the system and content.

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Our team has developed an advanced solution for the QSS company that automates the routine tasks of inspectors and provides customers with faster and more comfortable access to services.

For your convenience, we have also ensured full data synchronization across all devices and platforms. This means that users can switch between the mobile and web versions of the product using a single personal account without losing information.

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